Gen Z’s Impact on Healthcare

Social media is nothing new in 2023, however understanding and harnessing the ways in which it now impacts decision making across generations is an evolving science. When it comes to healthcare, there is no apparent exception.

The generation coined ‘Z’ or ‘Zoomer’  for their innate grasp on technology and innovation is perhaps the best example of just how pervasive the impact of social media truly is. According to Fortune Well, sixty percent of all Gen Z polled reported relying on social media influencers in making mental health decisions. While this may seem high, the same responders also reported that they value in-person doctor visits. 

A study of 10,000 participants ages 18 through 25 performed by consulting firm Oliver Wyman found that  “Members of Gen Z are tracking their health with apps and wrist watches, seeking out supplements and prioritizing physical exercise. But they are also prone to social media misinformation and struggle with mental illness at higher rates.” This study also found higher percentages of Gen Z members use meditation and other wellness apps compared to members of other generations. The propensity for social media is both an opportunity, but also a vulnerability when it comes to mental health. 

Employers looking to attract and retain members of this generation might consider boosting mental health benefit offerings, which not only aligns with the demonstrated workforce need, but also tracks the DOL’s stated priorities. The demand for both live, in-person professional care combined with the communication and network options afforded by social media offer a unique opportunity to meet the needs of the up and coming workforce. Employers looking to attract talent will want to examine how their benefits offerings support the preferences of this generation. Likewise, employer demand puts pressure on the market to offer and support health care models that fulfill these preferences.